Chapter 67

What Are Mine Doing To Me?

Today's Empowering Quote

"'Why' and 'How' are words so important that they cannot be too often used."
--Napoleon Bonaparte

Today's Empowering Question

"Are my internal questions helping me or hurting me?"

Today's Fast Session

Two main activities our minds engage in consciously are affirming and questioning.

The problem is, most people use questions to make themselves feel guilty, depressed, get angry, and many other unsupportive emotions, limiting what they'd be willing to DO at any moment.

When you feel lousy, not confident, ugly, stupid, foggy, it's hard to get your best from yourself.  And questioning, one of the primary activities of your mind, plays a big role in how you feel every minute of every day.

Here's an example:

The mind's question: "Why am I so fat?"  The mind's answer: "Because you eat too much.  You feel like you are worthless and since that's the way it is, any attempt you engage in to lose w'eight, I (your subconscious) will thwart. You are not worth all the trouble of becoming thin.  Why not just relax here on the couch, grab that terrific tasting chip dip you just bought and finish it?"

Isn't that pretty typical of some of the internal dialogs you have with yourself on a regular basis?  Be honest.

With the use of anti-depres'sants on the rise, it must be a pretty common practice.

<Notice> If your questions & goals are unreasonable, you'll get answers that will keep you from reaching those goals.  If you ask how you can lose 25 lbs. in a week, you'll get answers like starve myself, live on the treadmill, etc.  And when you try to implement those answers, you'll get discouraged and tell everyone that no matter what you do you can't seem to lose the weight... or quit sm'oking, or go out in crowds, or whatever your silly dream was.

And you'll become a person that stops trying certain things.  You could be great at some things, but in those other areas of life where your questions stink - forget it.

Questioning can just as easily work for you in the positive direction.

Example: What can I do to drop 25 lbs. within 4-6 months?  (Challenging, but very possible)

Your mind comes up with good answers to good questions.  You could read food labels, join a health club, get a walking buddy or workout partner, buy some home exercise equipment (AND use it), get a good low-fat cookbook, stop eating fast food, like myself more, etc.

You don't have to implement all this at once.  Do a few things. Succeed, then add a few more.  Soon, you have a whole new set of habits.  Your confidence will be higher.  And you'll be on your way.

All because you used your mind to ask empowering questions instead of ones that only make you feel like a worthless failure.  I know.  I did that for over twenty years, and my life was a complete and utter chaotic mess.

Disempowering questions sound like this:

Why does this always happen to me?
When will I ever learn?
Why do I even bother?
If I don't study now, what's the worst that could happen?
Why can't someone else do this?
What is wrong with me?

Questions like these will chop you down in an instant and you'll never know why you can't achieve even the most simple goals...

And you'll continue to blame everyone but yourself for your failures.

Not you though, because you know better.

Today's Winning Beliefs

-- I'm asking empowering questions throughout today
-- My questions make me feel strong and happy to be me
-- I ask great questions and get empowering answers
-- People are in awe by my ability to come up with solutions

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