Think Right Now! International


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Chapter 30

If I Only Had The Nerve

Today's Empowering Quote

"For anyone on the downside of advantage but filled with courage, it's possible."
--Russell Crowe (accepting his Best Actor Oscar)

Today's Empowering Question

"What can I think and do today that I have been too scared to even consider before?"

Today's Fast Session

In Italy, when my grandfather was only 6 years old, he had to go to work to help support his family.  He only went to school through the 7th grade.  From there on it was full time work for him.  In 1926, at 18 years old he came to the New World from the "Old Country" on a boat.  He spoke not a word of English and had no money at all.  Just a dream...

By the time he retired in 1969, he had over $50,000 USD saved, interest from investments and from selling his farm.  The value of that money in today's dollars is over $240,000.  Not bad for a guy that had absolutely nothing going for him, huh?

Why did I tell you this story?

Because it took courage to do all the things he did.  And it took hard work, but he was always the first one to tell you that without the hard work and belief in his ability to get a job done, he couldn't have had the enormous joy he got from living.

Hey... you can do anything you want to do in your life if you'll enjoy right now for what you can, look forward with expectancy, use the gifts and tools you've been given and accept whatever bad cards you've been dealt.  It's up to you to play them right.

So stop stewing and start doing!  You can do great things.  Believe!!

When he got the farm, he had to clear tree filled orchards so that he could grow corn and other crops.  And he didn't own any buzz saws.

It was the hard way... by hand.

And the tree stumps?

Pulled out by huge horses and ropes.  The same with the giant boulders that dotted the fields.

It's a sad thing to watch people become despondent with their lives.  It's sad because there has never been a time when the human race has had it so good, especially in industrialized countries.  Better tools, better education, better opportunities and better information to help take advantage of those opportunities.

Imagine how much harder it was to live decades ago and centuries ago.  In many countries life is still the same as it was centuries ago.

So please, keep these things in mind, consider yourself lucky and start acting like you're lucky.  Do what you fear enough and you will have developed courage...

...Almost as if by magic.

Today's Winning Beliefs

-- Today I move ahead with courage
-- I can do it - I know I can
-- I use my fear and anger to fuel in me courage and determination
-- Courage and I are one
-- Feelings of fear are a trigger for me to feel courageous

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